An Owl's 2 hoots

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Racing against time

Obviously August is one of the driest months in Washington and so is the posting frequency in this blog. Not exactly busy, but let's just say that I was engaged... in doing other things!

However, I did have time to go for a hike to a mountain called "Silver Peak" in the Snoqualmie area. Not sure if I would be able to do hikes of this sort after a while. Got to make hay while the sun still shines - I mean, winter would be here soon! ;)

The car, the bag, the mountain!

Nice, still, cold, quiet, lake

Safe to eat or not? But I am still alive!

What lies beneath

All the way there?

Do you call that snow?

Now that's snow. Rainier himself!

It was a nice (and long) hike to reach the peak. Hoping to make a few more of these in the near future before the baby-face Seattle starts crying again!

Have a nice day!

PS: I was wrestling with blogger for the past 2-3 days. For some vague reason, the image upload feature was buggy. Anyway, I think I deserved that for being lazy.



  • well..wat other things were u engaged in doing?? and nice pics by the way...also no issues..ocassionally u can go on the hikes..dont worry abt the winter ;)

    By Blogger i think therefore i am, at August 24, 2006 7:49 AM  

  • "ocassionally u can go on the hikes..dont worry abt the winter ;)"

    uhh - commenting on a comment here
    i think its important we clarify which occasions are covered in the "occasionaly"- clause?
    and do PJ concerts get an automatic green signal?

    By Blogger ///slash\\\, at August 25, 2006 2:22 AM  

  • Cogito ergo sum: Thanks!!

    Yea, guess one needs to weather storms, snowfalls, sunshine all alike!


    Slash: I guess?

    By Blogger tt_giant, at August 25, 2006 3:12 PM  

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    By Blogger i think therefore i am, at August 28, 2006 11:29 AM  

  • @slash..
    as long as spouse is taken along..anythin will get a green signal

    By Blogger i think therefore i am, at August 28, 2006 11:32 AM  

  • Slash: There you go. The verdict has been delivered.

    By Blogger tt_giant, at August 28, 2006 11:56 AM  

  • @ congito & tt
    "as long as spouse is taken along..anythin will get a green signal"

    well first of all thats not in my hands - all spouses and prospective spices-uhh- i mean spouses will always be extended an invitation - this is regardless of whether we actually want spousal presence or not -just good d-fensive play according the rule book handed down from generations.

    secondly it is not clear whether, after the first experience, further invitations will be received in postive light or not. And hence as a logical extrapolation there is still huge amounts of uncertainty on the outcome of such invitations and the subsequent signals:-))
    (i shud actually try my hand at law making)

    By Blogger ///slash\\\, at August 31, 2006 4:46 AM  

  • Slash: !!!!!!! in-swinging yorker - i am bowled!

    By Blogger tt_giant, at August 31, 2006 1:17 PM  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Blogger i think therefore i am, at September 01, 2006 6:27 AM  

  • @ not as bowled as tt..but yeah if the invitations are coz of the rule book and just a courtesy there is a gr8 uncertainity of further invitations being recieved in positive light!! it mite also lead to the termination of such outings PJ concerts included for spouce spice etc.. LOL!!!

    PS it helps to be a lawyers kid i guess

    By Blogger i think therefore i am, at September 01, 2006 6:34 AM  

  • Everybody and nobody in particular: Well then. Now that my intellectual capabilities have been very nicely adjudged, I might as well go to a corner and face the wall!

    By Blogger tt_giant, at September 01, 2006 2:13 PM  

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