An Owl's 2 hoots

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

sappa matters -#9

SM1: Lindsay Lohan turns 21. Thank god! She can start drinking from now.


SM2: Proud to be American; Proud to be Ugandan; Proud to be Indian.

Do all these feelings stem from the fact that they are somehow, deep-down embarassed to be one? Something like "I give up, I am one of them" or "I am proud to be big and fat" (and I cannot or don't want to do anything about it)


SM3: Saw Live free or Die Hard (4). Bruce Willis is 52. And yet!


SM4: I know police rush to the scene when there is an accident or someone gets caught breaking the law. Especially when multiple police cars arrive on the scene, after the initital conversation and immediate things are taken care of, can't they move the police cars to the side or to the center lane? A three lane road is essentially converted to one lane.




  • yeah.... Live Free of Die Hard was quite gud..... sila matter ellam over-aa irunthaalum the movie was entertaining completely!!

    By Blogger kuttichuvaru, at July 03, 2007 3:49 PM  

  • Sivaji in English ?


    By Blogger Unknown, at July 04, 2007 12:10 AM  

  • I'm looking forward to seeing Live free or die hard..

    :) on ur 'Proud to be' matter.. The most I have seen in this is 'Proud to be Pakistani'... so it makes sense now.. :)

    By Blogger Raju, at July 05, 2007 2:40 PM  

  • KG: :-) true!


    Sundar: adhey!


    Raju: Seems Bruce Willis was "disappointed" to get PG-13 rating for this installment since the prev 3 were "R". ;-)

    By Blogger tt_giant, at July 09, 2007 2:31 PM  

  • Figure you did not enjoy Die Hard 4. But with a light head and the usual expectations, it was a cracker of a movie for me :)

    By Blogger Maverick, at July 10, 2007 2:58 AM  

  • Maverick: Oh no! I enjoyed it! Just wondering how on earth could a 52 year old guy is able to do all that!

    By Blogger tt_giant, at July 10, 2007 9:08 AM  

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