An Owl's 2 hoots

Friday, June 03, 2005

Tabloids in Indian Media

We must have seen numerous posts bashing T(sl)imes of India, and how bad and cheap the quality is. Well, add one more to it.

I had some time in hand, so decided to see perform a small experiment on how bad is TOI really. I took the HTML source code of the headlines section in and wrote a small script to detect words that make TOI so famous. Even if one of the words match, I account that headline. For comparison sake, I did the same on 4 other papers - Sify news, Hindustan Express, Hindu and Indian Express.

The result was not unexpected. Samachar gives the top 5 headlines of each of these papers. TOI wins hands down - average cheapo headlines is 2.48 per day. Hindu seems like the most conservative of all.

toi Posted by Hello

Seems like Tuesday is a "holy" day for TOI!. Cheapo headline count = 0.

Note: Samachar holds only 7 days of archived news. Maybe more rules like these can be mined if I set a robot. Finally, my DM training is being put to use.

Just for fun!!
Have a nice weekend.


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