An Owl's 2 hoots

Friday, September 15, 2006

sappa matters -#5

SM1: If you wear prescription glasses, how does it affect your vision when you dream? Has anyone (in the dream) ever said "Nice frames"?



Ambiguity - I found this written on a white board near the office break area:

"Please don't steal my fruit cake. Thank you"

below which was added:

"It has been in my family for a long time"

What is "It" here?


SM3: Popeye is very angry.


SM4: If somebody is leaning over your computer and typing his/her password in to a program (for whatever reason), how many keystrokes must you wait before turning to face the screen?


SM5: On a related note - I am getting annoyed when people say "I am not a computer person". Seriously, what does that mean?




  • SM4: If somebody is leaning over your computer and typing his/her password in to a program (for whatever reason), how many keystrokes must you wait before turning to face the screen?

    Answer - until you hear the Enter Key - which will sound completely different from other key !!

    lol !!

    By Blogger Sreekrishnan, at September 16, 2006 7:01 AM  

  • @sm 5.. it can mean severak things

    a) that person isnt inclined to be caught chattin.
    b) that person feels that the fone is an easier means of communication

    By Blogger i think therefore i am, at September 16, 2006 7:53 PM  

  • sreekrishnav: ;) indeed ENTER key has a special sound. But I am trying to get a trade-off between etiquette and possession of the PC!


    Cogito: Also,

    c) could easily blame the computer for several things
    d) download un-necessary 3D screen savers (and a host of spyware)

    By Blogger tt_giant, at September 17, 2006 6:28 PM  

  • LOL.. very good SMs.. rommmmmba yosikkireenga pola.. Problem is, I dont have any answer to ur SM2 and SM5

    SM4: I would wait for the 'Bang' sound when the 'Enter' key is hit.. ;) or a period of apparent inactivity.. BTW, do you turn 180 degree or what, if someone types the p/w? just thalaiyai mattum thiruppina pochu.. illenna vittathai parkkalam.. watch-a pakkalam... sombal murikkalam..

    By Blogger Raju, at September 19, 2006 10:47 AM  

  • BTW, my cell no. is 347-885-9264.

    By Blogger Raju, at September 19, 2006 11:13 AM  

  • Raju: Welcome back! how was india trip? will call you sometime.

    unga suggestions try panren.. actually, i just turn my head to the other side for a sufficiently decent amount of time and turn back!

    By Blogger tt_giant, at September 19, 2006 12:24 PM  

  • SM5 :For a change,you meet someone who is not a s/w engg !And doesnt that sound cool in this country ? .Atleast,you dont have to start chatting on topics like platform,projects.etc etc..

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at September 24, 2006 11:26 PM  

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