An Owl's 2 hoots

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Make sentences with:

Remember your old english question papers at school?. Before the short answers, ERC (Annotation) and essay questions, there were these little ones - Fill up, match the following and make sentences with.

Now, "Make sentences with" was wicked. You have to think of sentences on your own on the spot using the words in the questions. Also, the sentences you make up should not be too obvious (which sadly became the case most of the time), else the teacher would think you copied!. I think that was the only situation in a language paper where one stops and thinks.

This post tries to bring back that experience, in a blogger's sense of things!.

Make sentences with the following words:

1. Glory: He was living in the glory of the past (posts), which was still bearing him fruits (comments).

2. Mercy: An extremely long and verbose post deserves atleast a mercy comment.

3. Amuse: He was amused to see one of his long-forgotten archived posts had got an extra comment.

4. Anger: He shook his fist (mouse) in anger when his frequently visited blogs had no new updates,

5. Shame: He was filled with shame when he saw no "Updated!" sign next to his blogrolled page in a fellow blog.

6. Overkill: The 140th review of Anniyan officially marked the overkill of the blogger's freedom of speech.

7. Ignorance: Pity his ignorance!. He did not care to check if this kind of a post had been published elsewhere.

8. Excuse: .. and this is an excuse of a post!!.

Sorry guys!. It's not that I was busy or anything (I am not a workaholic, remember?!). Just that almost a week had already passed since I posted!. And oh, by the way, he (9. assumed) that he has an obligation to post something every 4-5 days!.



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