Gentleman's game
First of all, as I feared, Australia won the cup, complete with the team posing with the trophy giving their grinning/winning smiles. Ricky Ponting must be one cricketer everyone loves to hate now. Of course, he has been successful - which was duly acknowledged by the ICC awards. But the smugness, oh the smugness! And his incessant backing of his team-mates even though they talk trash. As RK says, as far as Australia is concerned, humility is NOT a virtue. Seri, ozhinji pogattum! They are winners. That cannot be taken away.
But there were other things which made the past week interesting:
1. Ponting's whine stating West Indies did not come to the awards;
2. Ponting pointing Pawar to step away from the dias;
3. Martyn "ushering" Pawar away!
4. The media's collective gasps of aghast and shock;
5. Tendulkar's statement of Pawar being a dear - what the hell is that? Was that a typo? Maybe it was fear.
6. Pawar attending an un-related and otherwise useless event and cleverly shielding questions on cricket saying, "This is not a cricket meeting";
7. Cricket Australia trying to probe into the incident;
8. Martyn apologizing half-heartedly;
9. Pawar saying that he brushed off the matter, but still goes on to say that Australians were uncivilized;
10. The great man also continues by saying, "Yea, I will take an apology and move on, but no offence meant or taken"!
11. Finally, Ponting's confused apology given with his trademark confused expression not very dissimilar to one Mr. George Duyba Bush's;
I am trying to find out which one of these makes me cry or laugh harder.
Have a good weekend, though!
First of all, as I feared, Australia won the cup, complete with the team posing with the trophy giving their grinning/winning smiles. Ricky Ponting must be one cricketer everyone loves to hate now. Of course, he has been successful - which was duly acknowledged by the ICC awards. But the smugness, oh the smugness! And his incessant backing of his team-mates even though they talk trash. As RK says, as far as Australia is concerned, humility is NOT a virtue. Seri, ozhinji pogattum! They are winners. That cannot be taken away.
But there were other things which made the past week interesting:
1. Ponting's whine stating West Indies did not come to the awards;
2. Ponting pointing Pawar to step away from the dias;
3. Martyn "ushering" Pawar away!
4. The media's collective gasps of aghast and shock;
5. Tendulkar's statement of Pawar being a dear - what the hell is that? Was that a typo? Maybe it was fear.
6. Pawar attending an un-related and otherwise useless event and cleverly shielding questions on cricket saying, "This is not a cricket meeting";
7. Cricket Australia trying to probe into the incident;
8. Martyn apologizing half-heartedly;
9. Pawar saying that he brushed off the matter, but still goes on to say that Australians were uncivilized;
10. The great man also continues by saying, "Yea, I will take an apology and move on, but no offence meant or taken"!
11. Finally, Ponting's confused apology given with his trademark confused expression not very dissimilar to one Mr. George Duyba Bush's;
I am trying to find out which one of these makes me cry or laugh harder.
Have a good weekend, though!
Labels: cricket
it has been widely and hugely blown out of proportion as is proved by this blog...and as of Ponting well he ALWAYS has a confused expression on his face..
And finally taliyan taliyan and a lot of whistles
i think therefore i am, at November 10, 2006 9:01 AM
back after sometime thanks to that scrap:-))
i found aussie b-haviour disgraceful to the core-
a person like steve waugh would have never done that even though on the field he has done some mean-spirited things:-))
but this was just despicable -
it doesnt matter how long the presentation was, you just shut up and live with it.
indha aussie arrongance is now getting on my nerves a little.
///slash\\\, at November 13, 2006 5:40 AM
back after sometime thanks to that scrap:-))
i found aussie b-haviour disgraceful to the core-
a person like steve waugh would have never done that even though on the field he has done some mean-spirited things:-))
but this was just despicable -
it doesnt matter how long the presentation was, you just shut up and live with it.
indha aussie arrongance is now getting on my nerves a little.
///slash\\\, at November 13, 2006 5:41 AM
Cogito: as slash has mentioned, aussie arrogance and media hype...
and danke!!
Slash: ok.. now i have seen it all. slash criticising oz? ;-)
yea.. steve waugh was perfect off the field. on field.. well.. thats something else!
tt_giant, at November 14, 2006 9:25 PM
Adichi Pudichi(thalli) trophy vaangitaange!! Ada Che! Yedho idhukku munnadi cup-ey vaangadha maadhiri!! ;)
(Been my comments in a couple of blogs! Enge ponaalum edhu pathi dhaan!)
Me too, at November 15, 2006 10:20 AM
Aparna: LOL!! avalo peru idha paththi ezhudhitaangaLa?!
tt_giant, at November 15, 2006 11:35 AM
Enna, super busy-ya? Couldnt call you in the weekend. Will try today.
About the Ponting-Pawar incident, the presentation ceremonies in India are soooo different from the ones in other countries. Here, everyone and his uncle would be standing and shaking the hands with the winning captain/man-of-the-match, which I myself felt very odd at times. But, the Pawar incident could have easily been avoided. I guess it happened bcos the Aussies were waiting for 8 years to lay their hands on this elusive cup, and were obviously overjoyed. Their culture of dealing with elders being different from us, it is not totally surprising.
Raju, at November 20, 2006 9:00 AM
Raju: konjam nanjam busy illa.. very very! actually, i am free at work more!!
thats true.. too much needless obsequity in awards ceremony.. aana enna panradhu.. mariyaadha kudukalaina veLila adiyaaL wait pannuvaan!!
tt_giant, at November 21, 2006 11:40 AM
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