Case of being a kid, 500 girl friends and sparing the rod

I did not realize how good being a kid (at heart) was until I met my relative's 2 kids - 7 and 3 years old. I am not sure if it was because they were extremely small (in size) or I was way too big for them, they took an instant liking for me, and vice versa.
Of course, we went to the parks - Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios - it did not matter where we went. The first thing which struck me was how many things we (as adults) fail to notice in our day-to-day lives, which the kids so beautifully bring to our notice. The same theme park which I have seen with friends of my age group looked and sounded so different when I was in the company of kids. It was fun to watch them squeal with delight when some of the cartoon characters walked past or when they screamed in primal fear during the Jurassic park ride or when they showed false fear when I went about crushing their bones (not really!) or when they ordered all the food at the restaurant and ended up only eating from my plate!.
No wonder everyone wishes to go back to their childhood, given a chance. It is amazing that we all crossed that age and are now what we are - serious and formal. In my opinion, either be a kid forever (a pipe dream), or be in the company of kids once in a while, which can be very rejuvenating.
That being said, kids can embarrass you to any extent. I had to answer so many questions which I thought I would never be asked by anyone. One of them was how many girl friends I had - I said 500 (yea right!). Not missing a heart beat, the next question was, who among them did I like the most!. I was left gasping for breath, desparately trying to distract them to other topics.
Now, this topic is touchy. Have today's parents completely forgotten about "adi odha udhavura maadhiri annan thambium udhavaamaataan" proverb?. I mean, during my stay, there were atleast 20 situations where the kids ought to have been disciplined. It doesn't have to be beatings, but a firm punishment of some sort was definitely deserved. After all, they are kids and treating them is in many ways akin to re-inforced learning - reward for good behavior (and thereby encourage similar ways of actions) and punishing for bad behavior (thus discouraging them to repeat the same). So the fault is not with the kids - they are just adapting/evolving. But they have to be given some tough love sometimes. Brats are not born, they are created.
All being said, it was very sad to leave them and come back. In fact, I had to lie to them that I would stay the next day too, but woke up early in the morning and silently slinked away into the pre- dawn darkness. I had to use the windshield wiper to remove the dew formed and my fingers to flick some kind of salty discharge formed in my eyes. Funny!. I wonder what that was about.
PS: Off topic - Maybe I should also start a tag - a tag to stop ALL other tags. Whoever gets tagged would be relinquished of tagging duties hereafter!. Say-no-to-tag.
I am tagging:
1. Slashaalvaar
2. Maverick
3. Naikutti
4. Vatsan.
As with all other tags, it is upto the taggee(!) to continue it or leave it. In the future if any of the say-no-to-taggers get tagged by some other blogger, they may very well make their point by referring to this tag!. A rather diplomatic way of declining to tag!. Just my way of abusing the right to freedom of speech!.
Labels: life, observations
nice post!!
gudd to hear you had a nice thanksgiving...
as far as the the tagging goes...
i'm yet to finish a few posts(as usual) and then your 10-1 tag and then this one...
and with rain subsiding for the past few days here in chennai, i think the last thing we want to do is to give it some more incentive...
///slash\\\, at November 28, 2005 9:48 PM
Slash: Thanks da.
Maybe you can make use of this tag as a life line and override all other pending and other future tags!.
tt_giant, at November 29, 2005 6:34 AM
very nice one.. I get to meet a few kids, u know, being in the 'family circles' as a married man.. I like to play with them a lot.. I have always loved kids..
One of my friends says, being Arian, I am prone to have 'kiddish' thingy in me.. I am sure u too.. :-)
Anonymous, at November 29, 2005 8:48 AM
Raju: Maybe you are right!. It could be the aries factor.
So, we drew the series!. I am not sure if that is good enough. Of course, it could have been worser..
tt_giant, at November 29, 2005 11:25 AM
That's a really cute kid you have in your hands. Vaal paiyan pola irukku :-)
Krish, at November 29, 2005 2:05 PM
yeah right... kids are just so unpredictable and enjoyable to be with :-)... glad u had a great time
and for the tags, neengaalum NO-TO-TAG policy aa?... welcome and join the group :-)
NaiKutti, at November 29, 2005 5:37 PM
Thennavan: Yea, he is. And he has absolutely no fear of anything.
Naikutti: Oh cool, you are in it too..
tt_giant, at November 29, 2005 6:30 PM
aww the kid is so cute - yep kids are totally stress relieving but yes most kids nowadays can be better disciplined - brats are made some are just impossible
hehehe try having a kid ask u about kissing then you'll know what embarrassment is! ;)
Visithra, at November 29, 2005 7:19 PM
nice one!
Im a culprit too in delaying tag posts. I welcome your view and opinion on this matter and thanks for the escape route!! :)
Maverick, at November 29, 2005 9:11 PM
Embarassing questions will always be posted by kids.. my son used to post several unanswerable questions, which I pass it on just like that
Ram C, at November 30, 2005 1:59 AM
Visithra: I agree.. I am particularly uncomfortable when these pre-adolescent girls ask those kind of questions!.
Maverick: Thanks man!.
Well, use this tag as a life line then!.
Ram: I would guess so!!.
tt_giant, at November 30, 2005 5:54 AM
TTG, i welcome u to the anti tag movement,
kida r good 2 be with, they r good fun, annal their questions r konjam risky samacharams
ada-paavi!!!!, at November 30, 2005 6:55 AM
Vatsan: The more, the merrier!!
tt_giant, at November 30, 2005 8:42 AM
Nicely written post! True, the innocence, the sharpness of a kid's mind is amazing! Just before my daughter started school, I was so upset for she was going into the big bad world!
About discipling kids, firstly, these days my hubby is always behind me reminding me not to yell/raise my hands outside of home(lest I will be on TV!)! Secondly, there is a stage with kids when yelling will only make things worse. Patience, a skill one learns with kids!!
Me too, at November 30, 2005 11:00 AM
Aparna: Thanks!.
I knew disciplining kids is a delicate topic. Specially when we see that the parents' hands are tied up here in more than one way!.
As you said, patience is a skill to inculcate!.
tt_giant, at November 30, 2005 7:03 PM
somehow blogroll didnt show me that you posted something new!!
nice post ttg.. just want to let you know the other side of things..
it is always fun to play wiht other peoples soon as it is diaper change time, you can hand it back to the parents.. wait a few years.. there is a completely different joy when you get the full experience of raising kids..
Unknown, at December 03, 2005 1:23 PM
Murali: Thanks man!. I agree with you.
Sundar: bloody blogroll!. :-)
hey.. thats a nice point. and so true!.
tt_giant, at December 03, 2005 7:24 PM
Me visiting after long time :-)
wish i can go back to my childhood days....when I cud b really naughty and get away with it (which i still do with my innocent face :P)....
and of course..talkng of kids .. i miss my cousin a lot...its been almost 2.5 yrs i saw him....missn his wonderful growing days....
cutefreaky, at December 29, 2005 8:02 PM
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