They spun a web for me
You see, I walk with my head in the clouds. The weather is different up here......
All right, I am tall!. When I talk about sports, the first thing people ask me is if I play basketball, which I don't. I would see this sad look on their faces, which obviously means "you are wasting your height". I just don't play basketball (I watch it, though). I like other sports like cricket and football (off late). But that is not even the point!.
There are times when I really like being tall - say when I don't have to measure up against the minimum height requirements in the roller-coaster lines, or when I only have to reach up a wee bit to get things from the top shelf, and so on. But there are other instances when this could pose a problem:
1. I cannot even attempt to sit in the back seat of a car, unless the driver or the front passenger is extremely small.
2. Only aisle seats in the plane, please!. Atleast one leg needs to get some respite. But hey, I can help put the gorgeous female's carry on luggage in the overhead bin!.
3. Train berths in India?. Forget it. Unless passengers need my blessings.
4. Buses?. Good luck with that!.
5. Never in the front row of a group photo, unless it is one with NBA stars!.
In India, I was definitely the tallest in my family and friends circle. Understandably so, since the average height of the Indian male is around 5'6'' or so. Funny thing is, it seems like I am still considered tall here in the US. I mean, what is the problem in creating some way so that I can have more leg room?. A stupid beach chair can withstand upto 250 pounds. Why only in the weight sense of things?. Why not in the Y-axis?.
Looks like if I need more space and comfort, I need to pay more - business class, or more expensive luxury cars. :-((
So, my take is that, there is some conspiracy theory going on against tall people. Or may be God himself has spun a web for me, so even though my head is up in the clouds, my feet HAS to be firmly on the ground.
Literally speaking, even the spiders seem to have something against tall people!. I had been to a forest hike today with 2 other colleagues (no prizes for guessing who was the tallest among us). The trails have a lot of spider webs criss-crossing, since its a forest and not a lot of people walk there. Irrespective of who was leading the group or trailing, I successfully cleaned up all the webs with my head!. These webs are not like the ones found at home. They are pretty strong (like string) and are huge, but almost invisible. For god's sake, how can one be expected to watch out for spider webs while walking?. I was filling the forest with expletives every time I took out another web, while my colleagues were happily marching in the clear space in front of them.
"Innum ennai enna seiya pogirai" nu paada vendiyadhu dhaan!!
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